I have had a busy summer so far. My dear dad is finally home after being in and out of hospitals, rehab facilities and nursing homes since January. Hopefully things will get back to normal for him and my stepmother now. He still has home health coming a couple of times a week to continue his physical therapy, speech and occuptaional therapy but he is doing great :).
I have been going to school to learn medical transcription, working in retail just isn't going to work for me anymore. I hate the hours, the standing all day and sorry to say rude customers. I have a wonderful husband who makes it possible for me to stay home and go to school instead of trying to juggle school, work and home. I just need to do a better job on the home department.
I have been doing a bit of stitching while home. I finished M by Nora Corbett and instead of pulling out something new from my stash I have decided to give WIP busting a try. I have tons of started projects that I really need to get done. I picked a sampler and an angel to work on off and on. The sampler will get done first as it's smaller but no worries I have others to do once this one is done to switchout with my angel. The sampler is Alpine Garden by The Drawn Thread and the angel is Angel of the Morning by Lavender and Lace.