
Thursday, August 5, 2010


It is with tear stained eyes and a very heavy heart that I tell you that my dear sweet daddy has gone to heaven to be with my mom :(. He was doing so well and had been home only a few weeks after being in and out of hospitals, nursing homes and rehab places since January. In May he had a subdural hemotoma removed and was doing great but the damed thing came back. It got big pretty fast and he became unresponsive and actually complained of pain over the weekend. My dad never complained of pain ever. They had done an MRI and found the new hematoma and knew there was no way to fix this one, he just wasn't strong enough yet to have more surgrery. Sunday he was moved to a hospice hospital and passed away in his sleep on Tuesday. I just don't know what the world will be like without him in it. His funeral is next week August 13, he wanted to be cremated and will be in the niche with my mother. Since he was a retired Air Force C/Msgt he will be getting a military funeral. Something I think he earned and deserves.

I love and will miss you forever daddy :(


Carol said...

Condolences and hugs Mary. Sounds like you had a wonderful relationship.

Mayté Bermúdez-García said...

Dear MaryK, You are in my prayers.
